So I had an HTML-formatted email that was working just fine. The Mailer basically looked like this in the action, with only an .html template was in the views directory.
class DdosReportMailer < ActionMailer::Base
layout 'layouts/mailer'
def daily_report(rcpts:)
to: EnvVar.get('NOREPLY_EMAIL'),
from: EnvVar.get('NOREPLY_EMAIL'),
bcc: rcpts,
subject: I18n.t("ddos_report_mailer.daily_report.heading")
My story required that I add attachments, but the Rails guide is not exactly clear about when and where to call the 'attachments' method. First, I tried calling it on the mail instance after it was created:
class DdosReportMailer < ActionMailer::Base
layout 'layouts/mailer'
def daily_report(rcpts:, reports:)
to: EnvVar.get('NOREPLY_EMAIL'),
from: EnvVar.get('NOREPLY_EMAIL'),
bcc: rcpts,
subject: I18n.t("ddos_report_mailer.daily_report.heading")
).tap do |m|
reports.each { |k,v| m.attachments[k] = v }
In the Rails previewer, this looked good. HTML formatting, check; attachment, check. Tests which verified the mail body and attachments passed, so I figured the work was done.
I immediately lay this problem at the feet of the MailSafe gem, which we use to prevent outbound mail in staging. The MailSafe modification seems so close to the attachment boundary, it must be causing a parsing error! Not to worry -- in production, we won't have this problem. Just to be sure, I whitelisted the original recipient address so there was no MailSafe intervention. Surprisingly, that did not help.
I went back to the Rails guide and decided the 'attachments' call should be sent to the mailer, not the mail.
class DdosReportMailer < ActionMailer::Base
layout 'layouts/mailer'
def daily_report(rcpts:, reports:)
reports.each { |k,v| attachments[k] = v }
to: EnvVar.get('NOREPLY_EMAIL'),
from: EnvVar.get('NOREPLY_EMAIL'),
bcc: rcpts,
subject: I18n.t("ddos_report_mailer.daily_report.heading")
Now the delivered message looked even worse! Something is wrong with the message parts.
class DdosReportMailer < ActionMailer::Base
layout 'layouts/mailer'
def daily_report(rcpts:, reports:)
reports.each { |k, v| attachments[k] = v }
to: EnvVar.get('NOREPLY_EMAIL'),
from: EnvVar.get('NOREPLY_EMAIL'),
bcc: rcpts,
subject: I18n.t("ddos_report_mailer.daily_report.heading")
) do |format|
format.html { render 'daily_report' }
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